Kapa haka
Open to all students the Northcote College Kapa haka performs for school and community events through the year as well as at the Auckland Secondary Schools Māori and Pacific Island Festival (Polyfest).
If you are interested in joining Kapa haka talk to Whaea Shaunee Hiha or Matua Stan Conrad.
Tongan Performance Group
For several years the Tongan group has proudly performed at the annual Auckland Secondary Schools Māori and Pacific Island Festival (Polyfest).
This has involved many hours of practice and support from family and community members. We are currently seeking a tutor for the Tongan Group.

Lion Dance Group
When Chinese language (Mandarin) was introdduced as a subject at Northcote College the school joined forces with Northcote Intermediate to offer a Lion Dance Group.
These days there are sufficient members of the Northcote College group to perform in school and community events throughout the year.