2024 Smoke Free Rock Quest

Northcote bands rock the RockQuest stage!

We’re over the moon at the success of Northcote College bands at the Smoke Free Rock Quest North Shore regional heats.

Seven Northcote bands were among the 51 competitors at the regional heats – and a stunning four of our bands made it through to the regional finals to be held on 14 June. There are only 12 finalists – so our bands make up a third of the finalists for the region.

Our four finalists are Red Fever (Year 11), Crash Velvet (Year 11), The Chums (Year 12), and sockpuppets (Year 13). We’re also really proud of the great performances by Shattered Glass (Year 9), Meow (Years 11013), and Jazt (Years 9-13).

Check out some highlights of their performances below...